Legal 500 2020 said the following about us –

Murdochs Solicitors ‘has excellent knowledge of the law and practice of SRA interventions into solicitors’. The practice has longstanding experience defending solicitors and other legal professionals that face regulatory investigations and disciplinary proceedings. The team comprises practice head and senior partner Andrew Blatt – who specialises in SRA investigations, Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) proceedings and complex partnership disputes involving misconduct – Nick Trevette and senior consultant Robert Forman.

Practice head(s): Andrew Blatt

Other key lawyers: Nick Trevette; Robert Forman


‘The firm handles disciplinary cases with great skill and success’.

‘It is exceptionally knowledgeable, committed and experienced, and the lawyers are diplomatic and creative problem solvers’.

‘Robert Forman is an excellent lawyer’.

‘Andrew Blatt is sensible and pragmatic’.

‘Nick Trevette does a great job on cases – he is clear and frank, and under promises but over performs’.